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Kerang Holiday Park, Kerang
The Murray, VIC
Ends 4 days
$490 normally
2KP0225 Auction code
Relax and experience the magic of Kerang Holiday Park. A stunning bush setting with native trees, birds and lush green sites. This pet friendly park offers the perfect location to base yourself and discover the many surrounding lakes and rivers.
Holiday experience:
Important note: This voucher is not redeemable for cash or credit and is valid, subject to availability and at the Operator's discretion UNTIL 28 FEBRUARY 2026, excluding Easter 2025. Bookings will not be transferred, moved or cancelled within 14 days of due arrival date and will result in forfeiture of package and all funds paid. Discounted offers are subject to availability at the time of travel.
Encounter the ultimate outdoor experience when you embark on an adventure to The Murray. With attractions including national parks, beaches and vineyards, you won’t have any excuse for staying indoors! Home to more than 40 golf courses, some of which are award winning, this is a dream destination for golfers.
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